Friday, July 27, 2018

Conserving Energy and Staying Cool This Summer

Stay Cool

Staying comfortable while maintaining an affordable energy bill isn’t always the coolest thing to do in the peak of summer, but it takes the heat off your finances. At Wheeler’s Heating and Air Conditioning, your comfort is our business, and we want to make sure that neither you nor your wallet are sweating. Save some money this summer and beat the heat with these seven energy saving tips:
  1. Close your blinds, curtains, and any window that might let light in your house during the day. Let the shade cool your home down. A naturally cooler home means less AC use!
  2. There are times in the day to close and open your windows. Nighttime or early morning are typically the best times to open your windows to let cool air in. Once the temperature starts rising, shut your windows and refer to energy saving tip number 1.
  3. For humid climates, (i.e. Missouri) keeping your bathroom and kitchen fan on will reduce a lot of that thick air on extra muggy days.
  4. Proper maintenance of your Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system will ensure it uses less energy. Change out your HVAC filters every three months, and to check your filters once a month if you own dogs or cats. A dirty filter will cause your system to use more energy and circulate less of that cool breeze. We recommend using inexpensive pleated air filters.
  5. One of the easiest and most common things you can do is turn your ceiling fan on so you can raise the thermostat. Air circulation will help keep any room from simply collecting and stagnating air.

    Staying cool
  6. Cooking inside creates a lot steam and heat within your kitchen. Try barbecuing or microwaving on especially hot days. You’re basically trying to keep hot air out of your home. Cooking outside is always a great way to get together with your friends and family!
  7. Use cold water when you do your dishes and laundry. Always make sure you are doing only full loads as well. 90% of your home’s energy comes from heating water for your laundry machine or dishwasher. Air drying your clothes outside may also be something you could consider. 
Wheeler's Heating and Air Conditioning is your 24-hour heating, cooling, and repair services. Let us repair your AC unit or, better yet, replace your old unit for a more efficient system that can save you money each month. We provide top AC repair in the Ozark area at more affordable rates than our competitors. For more information visit our website at