Monday, December 3, 2018

How to Stay Warm Without Cranking Up the Heat

When those cold months hit, most people find that they also have to prepare for higher energy bills. But what if you could find a few ways to stay warm, and cut back on those extra energy costs? If you’re looking for a few more ways to stay warm this winter, but want to avoid cranking up the heat, here are a few ideas to keep in mind.
  • Purchase a Wood Burning Stove or Fireplace - While this seems like no small feat, purchasing a either of these can be a great way to cut down on energy bills this winter. Wood burning stoves and fireplaces are a great way to heat just a few rooms in your home, especially if you find yourself only using those few during the winter. They also allow you to keep your thermostat at a lower temperature. If you do find yourself thinking a wood burning stove or fireplace is the right way to go, keep in mind that they need regular maintenance checks and cleaning. 
  • Grab Some Electric Blankets - Who knew such a simple idea could be such a lifesaver? If you’re one of those people who just can’t seem to get warm no matter how many layers you put on, an electric blanket can be a great way to keep warm on those especially chilly days. If you’ve purchased electric blankets to use regularly, make sure you check them often to make sure there aren’t any exposed or damaged wires. Avoid using blankets that are more than 10-years old, and if you’re using it while you sleep, consider only using it to heat the bed to minimize fire risk. 
  • Get a Programmable Thermostat - Programmable thermostats are a great way to keep your home heated and your energy bills in check. There are many different models to choose from, so research them and pick one with your type of lifestyle in mind. Schedule your thermostat to reduce the temperature when you’re away, and increase it while you’re home. Many can even be controlled from your phone.

If you find yourself considering new ways to keep your family warm over the winter, but need help deciding on which way to go, contact Wheeler’s Heating & Air Conditioning today. We can help you find the best fit for your family and lifestyle. Give us a call today at 417-839-9240 to set up an appointment, or visit our Facebook page to stay up to date on HVAC tips and tricks.


Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Tips for improving your air quality during the winter

Air quality winter

The return of winter means the return of cold, dry air. Dry air can negatively impact your health in more ways than just chapped lips. The Cleveland Clinic reports that dry air can cause problems including dry eyes, sore throat, dry nasal passages/bloody noses, more susceptible to illness, and worsened allergy/asthma symptoms. Consider combating dry air by adding a humidifier to your home. Humidifiers make your home healthier and more comfortable to be in.

Signs of Low Humidity  
The clearest sign of low humidity is your personal health. If your lips are chapped or skin is cracking, your home likely has low humidity. The EPA recommends keeping your home between 30 and 50 percent humidity.  Individuals with asthma or allergies find that their symptoms become worsened in homes with low humidity. Other signs included an increase in static electricity around the house and cracked paint along your walls. A humidifier will keep your family healthy and happy in the winter months

Other Benefits
  • Reduced snoring - Dry air means dry nasal passageways. This can cause snoring problems to emerge or worsen.
  • Softer skin - Cold winter air dries out your skin. This can make your skin appear older and less vibrant. A humidifier will keep your skin looking young and full of color.
  • Healthier houseplants - Plants survive best in a tropical and humid area. A humidifier will have your plants looking better and living longer.
  • Protect your home - Dry air can cause harm to areas of your home. Low humidity can hurt your furniture, crack your floorboards, and ruin your wallpaper.
  • Save money on heating bills - Adding humidity to your home will cause your home to feel warmer, which will save you money on energy bills.

winter air quality

Installing a humidifier is the best thing you can do for your family this dry season. There are different types and styles of humidifiers from small portable steam vaporizers to whole home humidifiers. If you have humidity concerns, trust the professionals at Wheeler Heating and Air Conditioning LLC. We are family owned and operated and provide honest, reliable, and affordable services. We are available 24/7 and offer free in-home estimates. To find out more, call 417-839-9240 or visit our website.


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Importance of Winterizing your Home

Staying warm during the winter
There’s no better time than now to get your home prepared for the winter. Winterizing your home will help you avoid costly weather-related repairs that are so common in the cold months. Here’s what to focus on when winterizing your home:

Frozen water can cause leaks and cracks in your water pipes. Piping is the most susceptible part of your home when it comes to cold weather damage, particularly pipes located in the attic, basement, crawl spaces, and near outer walls. Proper insulation will keep these outer pipes from freezing, but if they are not well-insulated, you need to take steps to ensure they withstand a cold snap. When the forecast calls for unusually cold temperatures, let water drip from hot and cold faucets overnight. Keeping cabinet doors open will allow warm air to circulate in places like below sinks. If you plan to leave your home for an extended period of time during cold temperatures, you should shut your water off completely.

In addition to adding weather stripping and plastic wrap to doors and windows, you’ll want to add extra insulation in the attic to guard against ice dams. If too much heat escapes into the attic, it can warm the ice and snow on the roof. When it freezes again, it can cause an ice dam, which can lead to water damage inside your home or possibly even a roof collapse. We recommend calling a home insulation contractor to inspect your insulation and perform any upgrades if necessary.
Chimney Winter
If your home has a wood-burning fireplace, you’ll want to get your chimney checked for soot buildup once a year, preferably in the fall before you begin using it regularly. Soot buildup can be very dangerous, posing a fire hazard and carbon monoxide poisoning risks.

Heating System
Your furnace is about to get its big annual workout, so now is the time to make sure it’s all tuned up and ready to go when winter hits. Have your furnace or boiler checked by a licensed contractor before the big freeze, and clean or replace your filter on forced air systems. Have your fuel tanks filled and keep an eye on the levels throughout winter. Stay energy-efficient by making sure your heat isn’t escaping through poor insulation or gaps in your windows and doors. Use weather stripping on doors and shrinkable plastic wrap on leaky windows.

If you need your furnace serviced or your filter replaced before winter comes, Wheeler’s Heating & Air Conditioning can help! We offer complete installation of new furnaces and air conditioners. We provide honest, reliable, and affordable service. We are available 24/7 and we will never charge you an extra fee for after hours, holidays, or weekends. Contact Wheeler’s today!

Monday, September 17, 2018

Heat Pump Basics

What is a heat pump

When you’re a homeowner, it can be difficult to keep track of what’s what, especially if you’re trying to figure out your central heating and cooling system. With so many moving parts, this integral piece of your home can be difficult to wrap your head around, which is why we’ll be focusing on the heat pump this month.

What is a Heat Pump?
A heat pump is a part of your central heating and cooling system. It takes the air from outside and uses it to cool your home in the summer and heat it in the winter.

How Does it Work?
Heat Pump
Your heat pump works hard to move heat to different places in your home, especially where it’s needed most. When it’s cold outside, it’ll take the heat from the outside air and move it inside, and when it’s warm out during the summer, it’ll take the heat from inside the home and remove it. One of the most efficient aspects of a heat pump is that it actually doesn’t create any of its own heat, it just moves it from place to place. This makes it very energy efficient and environmentally friendly. Another way it’s efficient is that your heat pump will use electricity, so you’ll save big when it comes to fuel consumption. This is also how you can tell the difference between a heat pump and a furnace—a furnace burns fuel to heat a home, while a heat pump uses electricity to heat your space.

Should I Get a Heat Pump?
Heat pumps are better for people who live in more moderate regions of the United States. While heat pumps are a great way to distribute heat throughout your home, there are some regions where a heat pump alone just wouldn’t be enough. If you live in the midwest or more northern states where cold winters and inclement weather are common, you’ll need to consider additional heat sources if you’re seriously considering a heat pump.

If you’re looking for a trusted heating and cooling company, Wheeler’s Heating & Air Conditioning is the place to go. Our experienced team can help you with everything from system installs to recommending the right product for your home. Give us a call today at 417-839-9240 to learn more about heat pump installation, or visit our website for a full list of our services.


Friday, August 24, 2018

Could Your Air Conditioner Be Making Your Allergies Worse?

Air Conditioning Allergies

During the spring and summer months, allergies can throw you off and make you feel like you’re stuck in a fog. But what if something inside your home is making them worse? Your air conditioner can be a lifesaver, but it can also increase the irritation you feel from allergies.

Have Your AC Serviced Often
To keep your AC from making your allergies worse, have it serviced often to make sure it’s working correctly and that the filter is clean. If you find that your allergies irritate you more during the summer while your AC is on, you can even change your air filter more often to keep the irritation at bay.

Use Better Air Filters
Not only can you replace your filter often, you can use certain air filters that will keep the air clean and prevent your allergies from being worse than they already are. HEPA filters, or High-Efficiency Particulate Air filters, are the only filters that are manufactured fine enough to trap allergens inside your home. Using these specific air filters will help trap all of those annoying and irritating allergens that circulate through your home while your windows are closed.

AC Allergies

Open Your Windows
This may seem counterproductive, however, opening your windows on days when the pollen count is low can help circulate the air through your home and get fresh air into your home. This will provide ventilation and help prevent the build-up of allergens inside your home, which leads to less annoying bouts of irritating allergies.

Use Your AC Sparingly
If you’re really suffering from allergies coming from your AC, try using it less and less often. This will lessen the effects it can have on your allergies, along with lower your energy bill costs and is even better for the environment.

If you’re looking to have your AC serviced but don’t know who to turn to, think of Wheeler’s Heating and Air Conditioning. We have a staff of licensed professionals that can assess the problem and find a solution that best fits you and your family’s lifestyle. Not only can we service your AC, but we carry products that help improve your home's air quality. Contact us today at 417-839-9240, or visit our website to read more about the services we offer.


Friday, July 27, 2018

Conserving Energy and Staying Cool This Summer

Stay Cool

Staying comfortable while maintaining an affordable energy bill isn’t always the coolest thing to do in the peak of summer, but it takes the heat off your finances. At Wheeler’s Heating and Air Conditioning, your comfort is our business, and we want to make sure that neither you nor your wallet are sweating. Save some money this summer and beat the heat with these seven energy saving tips:
  1. Close your blinds, curtains, and any window that might let light in your house during the day. Let the shade cool your home down. A naturally cooler home means less AC use!
  2. There are times in the day to close and open your windows. Nighttime or early morning are typically the best times to open your windows to let cool air in. Once the temperature starts rising, shut your windows and refer to energy saving tip number 1.
  3. For humid climates, (i.e. Missouri) keeping your bathroom and kitchen fan on will reduce a lot of that thick air on extra muggy days.
  4. Proper maintenance of your Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system will ensure it uses less energy. Change out your HVAC filters every three months, and to check your filters once a month if you own dogs or cats. A dirty filter will cause your system to use more energy and circulate less of that cool breeze. We recommend using inexpensive pleated air filters.
  5. One of the easiest and most common things you can do is turn your ceiling fan on so you can raise the thermostat. Air circulation will help keep any room from simply collecting and stagnating air.

    Staying cool
  6. Cooking inside creates a lot steam and heat within your kitchen. Try barbecuing or microwaving on especially hot days. You’re basically trying to keep hot air out of your home. Cooking outside is always a great way to get together with your friends and family!
  7. Use cold water when you do your dishes and laundry. Always make sure you are doing only full loads as well. 90% of your home’s energy comes from heating water for your laundry machine or dishwasher. Air drying your clothes outside may also be something you could consider. 
Wheeler's Heating and Air Conditioning is your 24-hour heating, cooling, and repair services. Let us repair your AC unit or, better yet, replace your old unit for a more efficient system that can save you money each month. We provide top AC repair in the Ozark area at more affordable rates than our competitors. For more information visit our website at

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Everything You Need to Know About a Window-Unit Air Conditioner

Air Conditioner

Summer is here in full swing, and if you’re in need of some relief when it comes to the heat, a window-unit air conditioner is one solution many choose. Below you’ll find some tips to keep in mind when it comes to installing your window-unit AC.

Use a Brace or Bracket

Sometimes you see people using whatever is handing to carry the weight of the back-end of their window unit. While this may seem like a great idea at the time, it’ll also come with consequences. There are many different braces and brackets you can use to install your unit, you just need to take window measurements before purchasing. If you decide to not use a bracket, make sure to properly install the unit using sturdy braces instead.

Protect Your Window

Your window unit AC will come in contact with the window frame, so it’s important to purchase some sort of adhesive or weather stripping to apply where the unit will come in contact with the window frame. If you’re not able to find a suitable option at your local hardware store, many bracket systems will allow some room for you to place a towel between the unit and window sill. Not only will this help protect the window frame, but it will make your unit more efficient by keeping unwanted warm air out.

Finding the Right Location

  • Find an Outlet: make sure your unit is close enough to an outlet so you can plug it in. If you don’t have an outlet near the window you’d like to place the window in and you plan to stay in the home awhile, consider having an electrician install an outlet.
  • Have a Clear Spot: you’ll want the areas on the inside and outside of the unit to say clear to make sure it operates at full efficiency.
  • Put it on the Second Floor: if you have a two floor home, place the unit on the second floor. This will help cool the home better because the cool air will make its way through the second floor and down to the first floor as it displaces the warmer air.
Window-Unit Air Conditioner
If you need guidance when it comes to properly placing and installing a window-unit AC, contact the experts at Wheeler’s Heating and Air Conditioning today at 417-839-9240 to set up an appointment.


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Keep Your Home Cool This Summer Without your Air Conditioner

As summer officially begins, one thing is certain; the weather outside is about to turn frightful. No, we’re not talking about endless blizzards and frigid temperatures-those days are still thankfully far off! Instead, the weather will be frightful as the humidity and temperatures rise.

We don’t mean to sound like we have a “glass is half-empty” philosophy-there is plenty to enjoy about the summer season ahead! But there are ways to enjoy these upcoming warm months comfortably both indoors and outdoors. Let’s focus on indoor summer enjoyment for a moment. The immediate answer on how to remain comfortable in your home all summer long is to turn on your air conditioner. While that is, of course, an answer, there are other simple things you can be doing to keep your home cool and comfortable this season.

Here are a few of our favorite methods to stay cool this summer without the assistance of an air conditioner.


Shut Your Blinds
Want the interior of your home to be between 10-15 degrees cooler? Simply close your blinds from late morning to early evening.  You’d be surprised at what a difference it makes.

Use the Ceiling Fans
Having your ceiling fan turn in a counter-clockwise direction (as opposed to a clockwise direction in the winter months) keeps cool air flowing in your home without incurring a major expense.

Unplug Electrical Items
When you aren’t using an electrical appliance, unplug it from the socket. This will prevent heat being produced from that item. Keep in mind that turning off an item that is not being used will still produce a surprising amount of heat.  

Avoid Cooking
Don’t misunderstand us-avoiding cooking doesn’t mean avoiding eating! Instead, eat items that don’t involve turning on your oven. Instead, use recipes that favor a microwave, an outdoor grill, and even a crock pot.

Cool without AC

As wonderful as it is to spend the summer season soaking up the sun, that doesn’t mean that that sunshine can’t occasionally get uncomfortable. When the heat is too much, you can use these methods to stay cool and comfortable, so you can get the most out of your summer.

Of course, whenever you DO want to turn on your air conditioner, know that your friends and experts at Wheeler Heating and Air will be happy to ensure your air conditioner is in perfect working condition to get you through the season. Call 417-839-9240 today or email

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Keeping you Cool this Summer should be a Breeze

Get your AC ready before Summer

Fall and winter maintenance tasks will help protect your home from the cold weather elements while saving you money on heating costs, but there are maintenance projects you should also complete in the spring or early summer. The thought of a scorching hot, humid summer without working air conditioning is a nightmare scenario for some people, and a reality for many others. Follow these instructions to ensure your air conditioner will be running smoothly by the time those humid summer days hit:

AC Ready

Shut off the power
Safety first! Before performing maintenance on your air conditioner, you’ll need to shut the power completely off to avoid the dangers of electricity and the unit’s moving parts. Turn off the power at your main breaker box, and look for an exterior shut-off box near the unit itself.

Remove debris
Using a screwdriver or wrench, remove the fan cage on the exterior condenser/compressor from the top of the unit. By hand, or with a wet/dry vacuum, clean leaves and other debris from the interior.

Clean the fins
Using a garden hose with a strong stream setting, spray through the fins from the inside out to blast any built up dirt or debris from between them. Never use a pressure washer, since the pressure can damage the fins.

Straighten the fins
Carefully straighten any bent fins using a butter knife or commercially available fin-straightening tool. Be gentle so that the tubing embedded within the fins is not damaged. Straight fins means increased efficiency due to optimal airflow.

Clean around the unit
Once you’ve finished cleaning the unit itself from the inside out, tidy up around the unit. Rake away leaves and debris and cut back any vegetation at least two feet in all directions

Change the filter. The filter in your HVAC system should be changed twice a year - once before the heating season begins and another before cooling season.

Schedule maintenance
While the above steps will help your AC stay in top shape, some maintenance items should only be performed by a trained HVAC technician. Ideally, this maintenance should be done by a professional once a year, either in the spring or fall.

Routine, professional maintenance does cost money up front, but will save you in the long run from having to fix bigger issues that may arise. Let Wheeler’s Heating & Air Conditioning perform maintenance or repair on your AC unit, or even replace your old unit for a more efficient system that can save you money each month. We provide top AC repair in Ozark at more affordable rates than our competitors. Contact us today! Call 414-839-9240 or visit us at

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Is Electric Heat the Right Option for You?

Electric Heating

While most of us are anticipating spring, there is something to be said about snuggling up in a nice warm house. But as you turn up the dial on your thermostat you should ask yourself, is your heat working for you optimally? Are you considering switching to electric heat? Or did you recently purchase a home that has electric heat and you’re unsure of the advantages?
Electric heat has several advantages. It can be controlled easily throughout your home and is typically quick to respond. From a homeowner’s standpoint, electric heat is clean and oftentimes less expensive to purchase and install. Here are some other advantages to consider if you’re thinking about making a switch or purchasing a home that already has an electric heating system.
  • Typically quieter to run.
  • Electric heat systems are safe because there is no combustion process.
  • Few moving parts.
  • Takes up less space in the home than other systems.
  • There is no chimney, so there is no off-cycle loss when the system is at rest. 
  • It can be added on a localized basis to heat specific cool areas.
  • Consistent temperatures.
  • Durability. 
  • Odorless. 

Electric Heat

Cost Effectiveness
Oftentimes electric furnaces get a bad rap for carrying an exorbitant price tag every month to heat a home, but this is not necessarily true. In fact, if you properly maintain your furnace it should be more economical in the long run. Although, upfront costs to make a switch to heat your home with an electrical unit might seem high at the time, electrical furnaces oftentimes have a much longer lifespan than gas or oil, typically units can last upwards to 20-years or more.

Lastly, electric furnaces are a solid choice because it is readily available no matter where you live. The lack of access to deliver oil and gas or the hookups to do so are sparse in some areas of the country. If you already have a home or are considering purchasing a home that already has electric service, you can take advantage of heating your home whenever you want without relying on delivery, shortages, or the influx of cost due to shortages. Wheeler’s offers free in home estimates and pay attention to detail so if you are considering a switch, contact us today.

We pride ourself for being your service provider anytime day or night. If you are in need of a new furnace call us today at 417-839-9240. We offer financing, installation, repair and more in the Ozark, Springfield, and surrounding Areas. Wheeler's Heating and Air Conditioning LLC is a family owned and family run business. We provide honest, reliable,  and affordable service. We are available 24/7 and we will never charge you an extra fee for after hours, holidays, or weekends. Visit our website today for more information!


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Indoor Air Pollution & What You Can Do About It

Did you know indoor air pollution levels are two to five times higher than outdoor air pollution levels? Since we spend a good deal of our time inside, the air quality we breathe indoors should be of the utmost importance. Common indoor air pollutants include:

Indoor Air Pollution
  • Secondhand smoke: A serious indoor air pollutant which can worsen symptoms for asthma sufferers, increase risks of ear infections in children and increase risks for SIDS in babies.
  • Radon: A dangerous gas pollutant identified as the second leading cause of lung cancer, Radon enters homes through cracks and other improperly sealed openings.
  • Carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide: These gases come from burning materials or improperly vented fuel-burning appliances such as space heaters, wood stoves, gas stoves, water heaters, dryers and fireplaces.
  • Allergens: Pollen, dust, pet dander, and mold are among several indoor pollutants that can trigger allergy symptoms and asthma.
Regular maintenance of your HVAC system can improve indoor air quality and reduce allergens throughout the home. Here’s what you can do:
  • Replace filters. Use high-quality filters or permanent HEPA filters, which remove more than 90% of microscopic particles, drastically reducing indoor allergens. For replaceable filters, consider changing them every three months. For permanent HEPA filters, clean them or have them cleaned regularly.
  • Keep your HVAC unit clean. Check your outdoor AC unit and indoor unit to make sure they are free of dust and debris. If your unit is left dusty or dirty, that debris will be sucked into the HVAC system and circulated throughout your home. Keeping your units clean will reduce allergens.
  • Check for mold. Mold is one of the most dangerous indoor pollutants that can be in your home. You should be checking your air ducts, drip pan and drain, evaporator coils, and air handler every few weeks to make sure there is no mold growth. Mold spores cause allergies and in some cases if left unchecked, they cause serious illness and even death.
  • Dust regularly. When dusting your home, you should dust your air registers and return vents first. If your registers and vents are dusty, then they will circulate dust to the rest of your home. Cleaning them with a damp cloth instead of a feather duster will pick up the dust rather than just redistributing it elsewhere.
  • Schedule HVAC maintenance. Spring is a great time to schedule an HVAC maintenance appointment. Regular professional maintenance is important to keep your system healthy and free of dust and blockage.

If you’re in need of HVAC system maintenance, repair, or replacement, contact Wheeler’s Heating & Air Conditioning. We also offer different products to help with your home’s air quality. Contact us for more information!

Friday, January 19, 2018

New Year’s Resolutions for Your HVAC System

You may have set New Year’s Resolutions for your body and mind, for your health and for your habits. But have you considered making New Year’s Resolutions for your home? Specifically, for your HVAC system. Here are some “resolutions” to help make your home more comfortable and energy-efficient home in 2018:

programmable HVAC

Utilize Your Programmable Thermostat
If you have a programmable thermostat but aren’t using it to its full potential, now is the time to start. There is a lot of money to be saved by programming your thermostat to a lower temperature while you’re at work or asleep. If you don’t have a programmable thermostat in your home, consider getting one installed. Or you can go a step further and get a smart thermostat. You’ll be amazed by how much it simplifies regulating your home’s temperature as well as saves you money on utilities and bills!

Change Your Filters
Changing your HVAC filters is one of the easiest ways to ensure that your system will continue to run efficiently. You should change your filters every 3 months to help prevent potentially costly repairs and breakdowns. Changing your filters will also help keep your air clean during the months that your home is kept shut up from the cold elements. Cleaner air means less illness during cold and flu season cycling through the home. Set a schedule and mark on your calendar to help you remember to change out the filters.

Schedule Routine Maintenance
Maintenance is key when it comes to your HVAC system. Regular maintenance performed by a certified technicians will help your system have a longer lifespan, run more efficiently, and prevent costly problems. Maintenance on your HVAC system should be performed at least once a year.

Upgrade Your HVAC System
If your HVAC system is nearing the end of its lifespan (20-25 years, depending on the model), the new year is the perfect time to start thinking about investing in a new, more energy efficient replacement.

If you need to schedule routine maintenance or upgrade your HVAC system, give Wheeler Heating & Air Conditioning a call. We’ll be glad to help you keep your HVAC resolutions!