Thursday, June 14, 2018

Everything You Need to Know About a Window-Unit Air Conditioner

Air Conditioner

Summer is here in full swing, and if you’re in need of some relief when it comes to the heat, a window-unit air conditioner is one solution many choose. Below you’ll find some tips to keep in mind when it comes to installing your window-unit AC.

Use a Brace or Bracket

Sometimes you see people using whatever is handing to carry the weight of the back-end of their window unit. While this may seem like a great idea at the time, it’ll also come with consequences. There are many different braces and brackets you can use to install your unit, you just need to take window measurements before purchasing. If you decide to not use a bracket, make sure to properly install the unit using sturdy braces instead.

Protect Your Window

Your window unit AC will come in contact with the window frame, so it’s important to purchase some sort of adhesive or weather stripping to apply where the unit will come in contact with the window frame. If you’re not able to find a suitable option at your local hardware store, many bracket systems will allow some room for you to place a towel between the unit and window sill. Not only will this help protect the window frame, but it will make your unit more efficient by keeping unwanted warm air out.

Finding the Right Location

  • Find an Outlet: make sure your unit is close enough to an outlet so you can plug it in. If you don’t have an outlet near the window you’d like to place the window in and you plan to stay in the home awhile, consider having an electrician install an outlet.
  • Have a Clear Spot: you’ll want the areas on the inside and outside of the unit to say clear to make sure it operates at full efficiency.
  • Put it on the Second Floor: if you have a two floor home, place the unit on the second floor. This will help cool the home better because the cool air will make its way through the second floor and down to the first floor as it displaces the warmer air.
Window-Unit Air Conditioner
If you need guidance when it comes to properly placing and installing a window-unit AC, contact the experts at Wheeler’s Heating and Air Conditioning today at 417-839-9240 to set up an appointment.
