While the temperatures continue to drop outside, it’s only natural to want the temperatures inside to rise. As winter continues, we tend to do whatever it takes to stay warm and comfortable whenever we’re indoors, and that often means setting our thermostats to a higher than normal internal temperature.
Sounds like a flawless plan, right? When you’re cold, simply turn up the heat in your home or office, and you have what it takes to beat winter! Well, not exactly. When the weather inside becomes even just a few degrees warmer than normal, that temperature fluctuation can have drastic consequences on you and your body.
Here are a few common irritants that often come with turning up the heat in your home.
Use a Humidifier
Although your home’s heating system will bring needed comfort from the bitter cold, that doesn’t mean the price you have to pay is allergies and dry skin. Why does this happen? The higher the temperatures, the less moisture there is in the air, and that often leads to cracked lips, irritated skin, and even the occasional sore throat.
This is where a humidifier in your home will help significantly. Humidifiers will deliver the necessary moisture needed in the air, all without sacrificing the cozy feeling you’re looking for.
Try a Space Heater
While space heaters are a great option to create warmth in your home without turning on the furnace, we highly recommend you use one without a fan. Fans in space heaters can easily circulate excess dirt and dust in your home.
Instead, go for a micathermic heater or an infrared space heater. Micathermic heaters are quiet, efficient, and heat indoor rooms evenly without fans. Infrared heaters, which use energy waves to transfer heat directly onto people or objects, are great for warming areas directly in front of the heating unit.
While it may feel good to turn the temperature up in your home this winter, proceed with caution. The more you know about how heating can lead to dry skin and allergens, the more you can do to not only combat those potential issues and stay cozy and healthy all season long. For more information on how you can heat your home safely, trust your friends and experts at Wheeler Heating and Air. Reach us today at 417-839-9240 or at wheelerheatingandair@gmail.com.